Tennis Racket Brands Shares in Professional Tennis regularly counts and publishes the shares of tennis racket brands among professional tennis players.

We maintain the database of tennis players and the rackets they use (check here) and we also follow the shares of individual tennis racket brands for ATP Top 100 and WTA  Top 100 players regularly here. We calculate also the shares of individual tennis racket brands at Mens’ and Ladies’ Singles at Grand Slam Tournaments.

Check the development of Tennis Racket Brand Shares over time below.

Go directly to
ATP & WTA TOP 100 Tennis Racket Brands Shares
ATP TOP 100 Brands Share Development
WTA TOP 100 Brands Share Development
ATP & WTA Tournament Wins by Racket Brands
Grand Slam Tournaments Tennis Racket Brand Shares
Men’s Singles Draw
Ladies Singles Draw

ATP and WTA TOP 100 RACKET BRAND SHARES [up-to-date]

The number of players in the ATP & WTA TOP 100 using a respective tennis racket.

ATP TOP 100 Tennis Racket Brands Share Historical Development

A number of players in the ATP TOP 100 using a respective tennis racket of a particular brand at the end of the calendar year.

WTA TOP 100 Tennis Racket Brands Shares Historical Development

The number of players in the WTA TOP 100 using a respective tennis racket of a particular brand at the end of the calendar year.

ATP & WTA Tournament Wins by Racket Brands 

ATP and WTA Tournament wins achieved by respective racket brands in the current season.

ATP Tour Tournament Wins by Racket Brands

ATP Tournament wins achieved by respective racket brands.

WTA Tour Tournament Wins by Racket Brands

WTA Tournament wins achieved by respective racket brands.

Tennis Racket Brands Shares on Grand Slam Tournaments

Men Singles Draw Grand Slams


The number of players using the racket of the brand (listed in the left column) at the Singles Main Draw of respective Grand Slam tournament.

Graph and Data:

Ladies Singles Draw Grand Slams


The number of players using the racket of the brand (listed in the left column) at the Singles Main Draw of respective Grand Slam tournament.

Graph and Data:

Percentual shares of Tennis Racket Brands [keep in mind that there are 128 players in Singles Main Draw] at Grand Slam tournaments

All you need to know about Grand Slam tournaments

Posted in BLOG.

Tennis Pro Guru

Simon is the leading editor of from 2015. He is an avid tennis player from age of 5, however, he never reached the pro level. Still, he likes playing tennis on different courts, with different rackets, and against different opponents. In his free time, you can find him watching all possible tennis matches he can find on the web or tv. Challenger or Grand Slam? It does not matter, just tennis matters.

He currently plays with:
Racket: Wilson Shift 99 V1
Strings: Babolat RPM Blast
Grip: Head Xtreme Soft
Shoes: Asics Gel Dedicate 7 (for hard outdoor and indoor courts) & Asics Gel-Game 5 Clay (for clay courts),
Balls: Dunlop Fort All Courts and Head Championship
Bag: Axiom Backpack


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