Have you ever thought about the advantages of using the tennis ball machine? Any tennis player, be it a small kid, junior or adult, trying to make his tennis strokes better, will come to the moment when he needs to practice the same shot again and again. The problem is no one can feed you in the same direction, speed, and height you need when you want to improve your forehand or backhand. Even if you will practice with Novak Djokovic, even he will hardly repeat the same stroke ten times in a row. And there comes the time you start considering an investment in the Tennis Ball Machine.
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Best Tennis Ball Machine
[as chosen by TennisProGuru and its readers]
Slinger Bag Grand Slam Pack
Price: $
Rating: ★★★★★
What you need to know about Tennis Ball Machines
Basic Parameters: Weight – Power – Ball Capacity
Technical Parameters (Propulsion and Oscillation): Feeding the Ball – Speed – Feeding Interval – Ability to Spin – Feed Directions (Oscillation) – Elevation – Remote Control – Programmed Drills
Pick the Tennis Ball Machines suitable to Your Play Level
Accessories for Tennis Ball Machines – Best Tennis Balls for Tennis Ball machines
Best Tennis Ball Machines:
Top 15 Tennis Ball Machines
Best Tennis Ball Machines – detailed comparison
Best Tennis Ball Machines under $1000
Best Tennis Ball Machines for Beginners
Best Tennis Ball Machines for Intermediate Players
Best Tennis Ball Machines for Advanced Players
Top 3 Battery Powered Tennis Ball Machines:
– with Longest Court Time
– with Highest Ball Speed
– with Lowest Weight
– with Most Programmable Drills
Full Tennis Ball Machines Reviews
What you need to know about Tennis Ball Machines
Maybe you remember Andre Agassi’s autobiography (if not, then you should read it definitely). His fierce enemy at Las Vegas home court was his black tennis ball machine.
However, look at what he has proven during his career. We definitely can say that the machine was one of the important factors in his road to success.
It does not matter what type of player you are. The tennis ball machines can be useful for the beginner, immediate, or „almost pro“ player.
Choosing the right machine is not easy. Every player has different needs and every machine has different features.
Prices start well below a thousand dollars for a basic model. Models with more features costs north of $1000 so you have to be very picky in choosing the right one.
Our definitive guide gives you an overview of the parameters you have to follow while considering the purchase of the best tennis ball machine.
Let us make it clear from the beginning. We are talking about real tennis, so the ball machine has to be solid and stable standing on the court.
So let us skip tennis ball launchers you have to hold in your hands. It is good for a dog’s fun, not for serious tennis practice.
For example, Bazook Tennis Ball Launcher is really light, with just 2 pounds weight, but you will have the problem to shoot the ball in the same direction two times in a row.
So leave this toy really just to dog fans or for fun.
The ideal weight of a tennis ball machine is around 40 pounds (ca. 20 kilograms). Almost all types have wheels that ease manipulation and transport.
Be aware, that the ball machine will be moved a few times on the court. Before practice and after it and even during it when you would like to change the angles of strokes you practice.
So it is necessary for you to choose a light but stable tennis ball machine. With appropriate weight, even girls or juniors will be able to push it around without extra help or substantial effort.
The weight and design are important when you need to transport a tennis ball machine between the tennis club and your home. Rectangularly shaped machines can be lifted by one person and you do not an extra pair of hands.
The second important parameter you need to consider is the power supply of your machine. Depending on the place where you will use a tennis ball machine you will choose either Battery Only or Cord Power Supply (A/C).
Naturally, if you play mainly on outdoor courts you will choose a Battery-powered machine. The durability of a battery is usually between 2 to 4 hours, some models offer court time up to 7 hours.
For me, anything more than 2 hours is enough for any practice. Power Cord (A/C) machine makes sense if you practice indoors with an electric socket next to the court.
The battery tennis ball machine definitely gives you more flexibility. Moreover, most of the advanced models offer a possibility to add also a power module for the A/C supply for an additional fee.
Ball Capacity
Ball Capacity is in general very overestimated parameter. Many people would like to have as many balls in the feeder as possible.
But keep in mind, that during practice you need time to stop and relax for a minute. Even in a tennis match, you have a break after every second game.
Nobody can play 500 balls in a row, perhaps except those training for the fitness marathon. If your aim is to improve the quality of your tennis strokes, a ball machine with a capacity from fifty to three hundred is sufficient.
The market standard is space for 120 (Spinshot Tennis Ball Machines) to 150 balls (Lobster Tennis Ball Machines) in a machine feeder.
Propulsion and Oscillation
Let`s have a look at the technical parameters of the best tennis ball machine.
A way of feeding the ball
Tennis ball machines use either two spinning wheels to feed the ball or air pressure. There is no difference between these two ways of shooting the balls.
They are reaching the same level of speed. So it does not matter which one your machine will use.
Top Speed
Depending on your tennis level you will need a machine with a different speed range. For beginners, 60 mph speed will be enough.
Intermediate and pro players will probably look for machines with a higher maximum speed (80 mph). The minimum speed usually starts at 10 or 20 mph.
The possibility to have different speed shots in one drill is very welcome. It enables a simulation of real match exchanges, with quick changes between baseline hits and stop balls at the net.
Feeding Interval
It is better to have more flexibility. The ability to adjust the feeding interval with your playing progress is important.
You will find machines with strictly set intervals (e.g. 3, 6, 12 seconds) and those with a wider range of feeding intervals in seconds (1 to 60 seconds). The usual time range is 2 to 10 seconds.
Ability to feed the ball with spin
When buying a tennis ball machine you should have a clear idea of how it should help your play. In case you want just to hit hard flat strokes you can choose a cheaper machine without a spin feature.
However, if you would like to improve the wide range of different strokes, you should definitely choose a tennis ball machine with the ability to feed the ball with spin (topspin and backspin (some manufacturers call it underspin)). Better models provide options to pick the spin rate for both spins.
Note: Even machines without spin feature shoot balls with slight topspin, however, you do not have the option to change the spin rate.
Ability to feed the ball in a different direction (oscillation)
Probably you do not wish to stop practice at the moment you want to change forehand to backhand strokes. In this case, you should go for a tennis ball machine which is able to feed balls in a different direction.
There are two basic oscillation modes: horizontal and vertical. The simpler machines offer just random horizontal oscillation.
Random horizontal oscillation means the machine moves from left to right and back at the preset sequence.
Better machines have both oscillations embedded and you can pick one of them or combination of both (called two-line oscillation pattern). The best and most expensive tennis ball machines have the possibility to set up different sets of shots (different angles, length, height, and speed).
Oscillation is an important factor, as it really can make a difference during a practice. It is most important in simulating match conditions.
Elevation control
There are two possibilities, electric or manual elevation. The electric elevation is more convenient and usually comes also with the possibility to program it.
Manual elevation uses the handle you need to pull and move to change the height of the shots.
Remote control
This feature is pretty important. It gives you a chance to control the machine from the other side of the court.
Without remote control, you need to switch on a tennis ball machine and run to the other side of the court. Of course, there is a few seconds delay between the switch on and the first shot of the ball.
But it is really hard to be prepared and focused on the first few shots without the remote control. The practice is much easier with remote control if you are alone on the court.
It is usually supplied for free with more advanced tennis ball machines and a lot of cheaper machines gives you the possibility to buy a remote control for an additional fee. Remote control can be either in the form of two buttons handy case or as an application in your smartphone.
Programmed drills
The best tennis ball machines come with programmed drills features. Drills are sequences with a number of shots with different parameters.
The individual shots or full sequences can be adjusted by a user or reprogramed totally. Generally, the more parameters and drills you can set before, the better the practice you will have.
Your practice session can really be refreshed if you can program a sequence of shots with a different spin, direction, height, and speed.
It is always easier to pick just from the smaller range of tennis ball machines. Therefore, we prepared a small but useful tool.
Just pick your play level and we will select just tennis ball machines that should cover your needs.
Beginner player needs to practice a lot, mainly flat strikes with less topspin and backspin. He needs a cheap but reliable machine that will be his opponent for practicing the same hits again and again.
Intermediate players need tennis ball machines that have more features. They need spin, at least horizontal oscillation but vertical oscillation is welcomed too. Tennis ball machines for intermediate players are more expensive but often come with remote control, and some of them even with custom pre-programmed drills.
Advanced players should look for a tennis ball machine that simulates real match conditions. Full programmability, vertical, horizontal, and random oscillation, a lot of different spin levels are necessary requirements.
Accessories for Tennis Ball Machine
After choosing the best tennis ball machine, you still have a few tasks to do.
Best Tennis Balls for Tennis Ball Machines
Firstly, you will need a lot of balls to feed your new friend on the court. Balls for tennis ball machines should all be under the same pressure.
Any flattened tennis ball can be stuck in a feeding mechanism and a tennis ball machine will stop working. You will need to manually release the stuck tennis ball before restarting your tennis ball machine.
Therefore, you should use new or not very worn-off tennis balls. Manufacturers recommend using pressureless tennis balls.
They are often called “forever” balls. Pressureless tennis balls do not wear out, and keep their bounce and therefore you can use them for a very long time. Of course, it is a money-wise solution too.
Lobster Sports recommends especially Tretorn Micro-X pressureless balls (with imprinted Lobster logo on them).
Secondly, you will need something to pick up all the balls you stroke during your practice. Picking up 100+ balls after your practice really tires one’s hand and back.
Do not forget to take some ball hopper with you, it really eases and speeds up your practice.
Wilson 75 Tennis Ball Pick Up Hopper | Tourna Pete Sampras Ballport, Holds 80 Balls | Gamma Ballhopper Balltube 18 | Penn Pressureless Tennis Balls, 48-Ball Bucket |
Top 15 Tennis Ball Machines
the ranking made by TennisProGuru readers*
[*according to popularity, price and TPG rating]
Slinger Bag Grand Slam Pack
Slinger Bag Grand Slam Pack consists of Slinger Bag T-One Launcher, Slinger Oscillator, Telescopic Ball Tube Picker, remote, and camera holder. This brand new product (the sale started just in 2020) become a bestseller immediately thanks to a unique combination of unrivaled price, fresh design, easy maneuverability, and great parameters. Slinger Bag Ltd.’s latest contract about cooperation with Wilson just proves how good this product is.
Price: $
Rating: ★★★★★
Spinshot Player Tennis Ball Machine
Ability to adjust 5 different parameters (ball spin, ball speed, horizontal and vertical angle, feed interval) and the possibility to make a high number of combinations of different practice drills makes from Spinshot Player #1 pick of our readers in tennis ball machines segment. 12 preprogrammed drills and the possibility to adjust them or set absolutely new drills, easy-to-use phone remote control (or remote watch) and Apple watch compatibility adds another pleasant sweetener to an already perfect machine.
Price: $$$
Rating: ★★★★★
Tennis Tutor Prolite Plus Tennis Ball Machine
Tennis Tutor Prolite Plus is suitable for intermediate players who are bored from practicing the same shot from the same position again and again. Random oscillation and topspin features make the practice more entertaining. The convenient remote control and built-in wheels improve your overall satisfaction with this tennis ball machine.
Price: $$
Rating: ★★★
Spinshot Plus Tennis Ball Machine
The third most requested tennis ball machine by our readers is a similar model to the most popular Spinshot Player. Spinshot Plus is just slightly cheaper and offers the same good phone remote control (or watch remote control) feature. You can adjust three different parameters (ball speed, spin, and feed interval). Additionally, the Spinshot Plus Tennis Ball Machine is equipped with five different oscillation modes. Altogether it provides adequate variability for any advanced or intermediate player.
Price: $$
Rating: ★★★★
Spinshot Pro Tennis Ball Machine
The Spinshot Pro is ideal for beginners and intermediate players. It offers a side-to-side ball shooting with basic topspin and backspin feature. The configuration comes with a two-button remote control at the price.
Price: $$
Rating: ★★★
Lobster Sports Elite Liberty Tennis Ball Machine
Second overall choice and the top choice of beginners among our readers. Convenient pricing for basic features suitable for any beginner. A wide range of speed and spin control are unique for tennis ball machines in this pricing category. Space for 150 balls in the feeder makes it a champion not just in its category but between tennis ball machines generally. Lightweight, easy to maneuver thanks to oversized wheels, and easy to store tennis ball machine. An ideal starter machine for anyone who wants to practice hard.
Price: $
Rating: ★★★★
Lobster Sports Elite One Tennis Ball Machine
If you are looking for an extraordinary long court time then Lobster Elite One is your choice. This machine provides 4 to 8 hours of court time in a row. Lobster Elite One is for beginner and intermediate players looking for a solid partner with basic functions at an affordable price. It is also ideal for any small tennis club for use for more following practices during a day without recharging.
Price: $$
Rating: ★★★
Spinshot Plus-2 Tennis Ball Machine
We are moving higher in the pricing range but as our rating shows, this machine is worth it. The Plus-2 tennis ball machine is the top model from Spinshot. It has every possible feature you can think of. Spinshot Plus-2 is fully programmable, comes with phone remote control, and has even OLED screen.
Price: $$$
Rating: ★★★★
Lobster Sports Elite Grand Four Tennis Ball Machine
Lobster Grand models are the top of the top among batter tennis ball machines produced by Lobster Sports. Grand Four (and also Grand Five & Five LE) tennis ball machines are the direct answer to the Spinshot Plus-2 machine. It is focused on intermediate and advanced players who can make use of all the features it offers. If you are in need of match conditions simulation this machine will be your choice.
Price: $$$
Rating: ★★★
Lobster Sports Elite Two Tennis Ball Machine
Lobster Elite Two can simulate match conditions thanks to the triple oscillation feature. With remote control and fast or premium charger, you will get a perfect tennis partner for any intermediate or advanced player. Topspin, backspin, short or long shots. Everything is possible for this tennis ball machine.
Price: $$
Rating: ★★★
Spinshot Lite Tennis Ball Machine
It is not surprising that this model is considered as the best model for juniors. Its price is just slightly above $500 that makes Spinshot Lite one of the cheapest models on the market. Spinshot Lite is also really light and easily maneuverable on the court. Its battery gives you a convenient 5 to 7 hours of practice time. Ideal for any tennis club for the preparation of young players.
Price: $
Rating: ★★★
Tennis Twist Sports Tutor Tennis Ball Machine
It throws tennis balls and is battery powered and it is extremely cheap. Tennis Twist from Sports Tutor company is probably the cheapest portable battery-powered tennis ball machine you can find. Ideal for kids who started with tennis yet and want to play everywhere. You can put it in your backyard or even in the basement. Fun and good practice mode guaranteed.
Price: <$
Rating: ★★
Tennis Tutor Plus Player Tennis Ball Machine
Tennis Tutor Plus Player is the most equipped portable tennis ball machine made by Sports Tutor. It has all you would expect from the ball machine for intermediate and advanced players. And it adds something extra, the match simulation for a player of every level. You just choose if you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced player and the Tennis Tutor Plus Player will do the rest.
Price: $$$
Rating: ★★★
Wilson Portable Tennis Ball Machine
Wilson Portable Tennis Ball Machine is manufactured by Sports Tutor company under the license from Wilson, the renowned tennis brand. Wilson Portable offers nine spin levels, random horizontal oscillation, and electric elevation. Suitable for any intermediate player who wants to improve his spin.
Price: $$
Rating: ★★★
Tennis Cube Tennis Ball Machine
Tennis Cube made by Sports Tutor is the entry model for a great price. If you are searching for a low-cost partner for everyday practice, this could be your choice. Small and easy to move around the court with the possibility of an oscillator upgrade. The ideal model for starters who want to save some money.
Price: $
Rating: ★★★
Tennis Tutor Prolite Tennis Ball Machine
Tennis Tutor Prolite is the cheaper version of the Prolite Plus model. It is lightweight and easy to transport or store. The basic flat shot will be served at a wide speed range and feed interval. Ideal for beginners or kids for practice at the start of their tennis journey.
Price: $
Rating: ★★
Pressureless Tennis Balls
And here is our extra thing in the ranking of tennis ball machines that look suspicious at first sight. People often forget that they need a lot of tennis balls for practice with tennis ball machines without breaks. Tennis ball machines tend to wear out the normal, pressurized tennis balls very quickly. Therefore, tennis ball machines producers recommend using pressureless tennis balls. They come very cheaply in bigger packs and will last almost forever.
Price: 🙂
Rating: ★★★★★
Why pressureless tennis balls?
Best Tennis Ball Machines comparison
Spinshot Player Tennis Ball Machine | Lobster Sports Elite Liberty Tennis Ball Machine | Spinshot Plus Tennis Ball Machine | Lobster Sports Elite Two Tennis Ball Machine | Lobster Sports Elite One Tennis Ball Machine | Spinshot Pro Tennis Ball Machine |
Set programme and control with your phone | Easy to transport and easy to store model | Good value for price paid | Triple oscillation feature for match simulation practice | Extraordinary long court time | Side to side ball shooting |
Most popular between TennisProGuru readers | Top choice for beginners | For intermediate players in need to practice the swing | For intermediate and advanced players | For beginners and intermediate players, or small tennis clubs | For beginners and intermediate players |
RATING | ««««« | «««« | «««« | ««« | ««« | ««« |
PRICE | $$$ | $ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |
POWER | Battery or A/C | Battery | Battery | Battery | Battery | Battery |
WEIGHT | 46 lbs | 35 lbs | 46 lbs | 42 lbs | 42 lbs | 44 lbs |
SPEED RANGE | 18 to 68 mph | 20 to 80 mph | 18 to 68 mph | 10 to 80 mph | 10 to 80 mph | 18 to 68 mph |
BALL CAPACITY | 120 balls | 150 balls | 120 balls | 150 balls | 150 balls | 120 balls |
ELEVATION | Electrical 0-50 degrees | Maunal 0-50 degrees | Electrical 0-50 degrees | Electrical 0-60 degrees | Electrical 0-60 degrees | Electrical 0-50 degrees |
OSCILLATION | Horizontal, Vertical, Random | Random horizontal | Horizontal, Vertical, 2-line, random | Random horizontal, Random vertical, Combination of random and vertical | Random horizontal | Random horizontal |
SPIN | Topspin and Backspin | Topspin and Backspin | Topspin and Backspin | Topspin and Backspin | Topspin and Backspin | Topspin and Backspin |
COURT TIME | 2 to 3 hours | 2 to 4 hours | 2 to 3 hours | 4 to 8 hours | 4 to 8 hours | 2 to 3 hours |
FEED INTERVAL | 2 to 10 seconds | 2 to 12 seconds | 2 to 10 seconds | 2 to 12 seconds | 2 to 12 seconds | 2 to 10 seconds |
REMOTE CONTROL | Phone Remote Control or Watch remote | Optional two button remote control for additional fee | Phone remote control or Watch remote | Optional two button remote control or elite10 (full control) remote or apple phone remote for additional fee | Optional two button remote control for additional fee | Two button remote control |
PROGRAMMED DRILLS | 12 adjustable preprogrammed drills | NO | NO | NO | NO | NO |
RATING | ««««« | «««« | «««« | ««« | ««« | ««« |
Best Tennis Ball Machines under $1000
Tennis Ball Machines with the price under $1000 are intended for beginners or lower intermediate players. They are made for practicing the basic shot set. Beginners who already know the technique of the shots will appreciate the possibility to practice them again and again.
You can not expect a lot of advanced features from these models. The cheapest ball machines offer just the basic shot scenario, where the balls are shot in the same direction. The advantage is long court time and lower weight.
More expensive models with a price closer to $1000 have usually random horizontal oscillation and the ability to shoot the balls with spin. These features help to simulate match conditions.
Preprogrammed drills and electric elevation are not offered with these tennis ball machines. The remote control is available just for some of the machines and usually for an additional fee.
Tennis Ball Machines with a price tag below $1000 is the perfect help for beginners who need to play hundreds of shots to get the technique of backhand and forehand under their skin. They are for players who need practice and want to have it at the lowest possible price. Check our choice of best tennis ball machines under $1000 that offer good value for a reasonable price in the table below.
Lobster Sports Elite Liberty Tennis Ball Machine | Spinshot Lite Tennis Ball Machine | Lobster Sports Elite Freedom Portable Tennis Ball Machine | Tennis Cube Sports Tutor Tennis Ball Machine | Tennis Twist Sports Tutor Tennis Ball Machine |
Easy to transport and easy to store model | Entry level tennis ball machine for the lowest price | Light model for flat strike practices | The low-cost and lightweight model for flat shot practice | The low-cost practice partner for kids |
Top choice for beginners | Up to 7 hours of court time | For beginners and intermediate player or small tennis clubs | For beginners and intermediate players | For kids and beginners |
RATING | «««« | ««« | ««« | ««« | «« |
PRICE | $ | $ | $ | $ | <$ |
POWER | Battery | Battery | Battery | Battery | 6 D Sized Batteries |
WEIGHT | 35 lbs | 22 lbs | 35 lbs | 24 lbs | 11 lbs |
SPEED RANGE | 20 to 80 mph | 6 to 37 mph | 35 to 65 mph | 10 to 50 mph | 15 mph |
BALL CAPACITY | 150 balls | 40 balls | 150 balls | 70 balls | 28 balls |
ELEVATION | Maunal 0-50 degrees | NO | Maunal 0-50 degrees | Manual | NONE |
OSCILLATION | Random horizontal | NO | Random horizontal | Random horizontal | NONE |
SPIN | Topspin and Backspin | NO | NO | NONE | NONE |
COURT TIME | 2 to 4 hours | 5 to 7 hours | 2 to 4 hours | 1.5 to 2 hours | 5 to 10 hours |
FEED INTERVAL | 2 to 12 seconds | 2 to 10 seconds | 2 to 10 seconds | 2 to 10 seconds | 5 seconds |
REMOTE CONTROL | Optional two button remote control for additional fee | NO | NO | NO | NO |
RATING | «««« | ««« | ««« | ««« | «« |
Best Tennis Ball Machines for Beginners
Beginners need to practice shots. A lot of shots with different directions and light spin. Therefore they do not need to invest in the top “hi-tech” piece of design with a lot of preloaded drills. Investment in relatively cheap and solid tennis ball machine will fully satisfy their needs.
Our Rating | Full Review | Price | ||||
1. | ![]() | SLINGER T-ONE Launcher | «««««« | $ | ||
2. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE LIBERTY | «««« | $ | ||
3. | ![]() | SPINSHOT LITE | ««« | $ | ||
4. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE ONE | ««« | $$ | ||
5. | ![]() | TENNIS CUBE | ««« | $ | ||
6. | ![]() | TENNIS TWIST | «« | <$ |
Best Tennis Ball Machines for Intermediate Players
Intermediate players would prefer a better-equipped tennis ball machine with remote control. They can make use of more spin levels, higher frequency of shots, oscillation possibilities, and also a choice from pre-programmed drills. Variability and simulation of basic match conditions are a must for them to improve their play.
Our Rating | Full Review | Price | ||||
1. | ![]() | SPINSHOT PLAYER | ««««« | $$$ | ||
2. | ![]() | SPINSHOT PLUS | «««« | $$ | ||
3. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE TWO | ««« | $$ | ||
4. | ![]() | SLINGER T-ONE Launcher | «««««« | $ |
Best Tennis Ball Machines for Advanced Players
Advanced players need an opponent who will perform a lot of tasks, will be variable, and give you a tough test of match-like conditions. It is reasonable to look for “hi-tech” models with a number of preloaded drills and the possibility to program your own customizable practice sets and drills.
Our Rating | Full Review | Price | ||||
1. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE GRAND FIVE LE | ««««« | $$$$ | ||
2. | ![]() | SPINSHOT PLAYER | ««««« | $$$ | ||
3. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE GRAND FOUR | ««« | $$$ |
Top 3 Battery Powered Tennis Ball Machines with Longest Court Time
Battery capacity and court time lifespan are some of the most important factors. Individual players prefer not to charge the ball machine every time after the practice. Small clubs will appreciate if the machine can serve more following practices with different players without the need to pull it to the socket for recharging.
Court Time | Full Review | Price | ||||
1. | ![]() | TENNIS TWIST | 5 to 10 hours | <$ | ||
2. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE ONE | 4 to 8 hours | $$ | ||
3. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE TWO | 4 to 8 hours | $$ | ||
4. | ![]() | SPINSHOT LITE | 5 to 7 hours | $ |
Top 3 Battery Powered Tennis Ball Machines with Highest Ball Speed
A tennis match is usually much quicker than practice. The reaction of the player has to be quicker, he has less time for making decisions. The high ball speed served by the tennis ball machine helps to simulate match conditions better.
Highest Ball Speed | Full Review | Price | ||||
1. | ![]() | TENNIS TUTOR PLUS & PLUS PLAYER | 85 mph | $$$ [Plus Player] | ||
2. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE LIBERTY | 80 mph | $ | ||
3. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE TWO | 80 mph | $$ | ||
4. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE GRAND FOUR | 80 mph | $$$ |
Top 3 Battery Powered Tennis Ball Machines with Lowest Weight
It is important to easily move the ball machine from and to the court and also during the practice. The weight of the tennis ball machine can impact the ability to handle the machine, mainly for ladies, juniors, and kids.
Weight | Full Review | Price | ||||
1. | ![]() | TENNIS TWIST | 11 lbs | <$ | ||
2. | ![]() | SPINSHOT LITE | 22 lbs | $ | ||
3. | ![]() | TENNIS CUBE | 24 lbs | $ | ||
4. | ![]() | TENNIS TUTOR PROLITE | 29 lbs | $ | ||
5. | ![]() | SLINGER T-ONE Launcher | 33 lbs | $ | ||
6. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE LIBERTY | 35 lbs | $ |
Top 3 Battery Powered Tennis Ball Machines with Most Programmable Drills
You need a lot of different factors to be mixed in true match simulation. Preloaded drills or the ability to customize the sample of shots you want to practice is very important for advanced players. The more preprogrammed drills you can pick from plus the possibility to program your own customized drills will prepare you better for the real match.
No. of Programmable Drills | Full Review | Price | ||||
1. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE GRAND FIVE LE | 24 | $$$$ | ||
2. | ![]() | LOBSTER ELITE GRAND FIVE | 18 | $$$$ | ||
3. | ![]() | SPINSHOT PLAYER | 12 | $$$ |
[price category in the bracket]
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Spinshot Tennis Ball Machines: Spinshot Lite [$] – Spinshot Pro [$$] – Spinshot Plus [$$] – Spinshot Player [$$$] – Spinshot Plus-2 [$$$]
Lobster Tennis Ball Machines: Lobster Elite Liberty [$] – Lobster Elite Freedom [$] – Lobster Elite One [$$] – Lobster Elite Two [$$] – Lobster Elite Three [$$$] – Lobster Elite Grand Four [$$$] – Lobster Elite Grand Five [$$$$] – Lobster Elite Grand Five LE [$$$$]
Slinger Bag Tennis Ball Machines: Slinger Bag [$]
Sports Tutor Tennis Ball Machines: Tennis Twist [<$] – Tennis Cube [$] – Tennis Tutor Prolite [$] – Tennis Tutor Prolite Plus [$$] – Wilson Portable [$$] – Tennis Tutor Plus [$$] – Tennis Tutor Plus Player [$$$]
Match Mate Tennis Ball Machines: Match Mate, iSAM, Precision Tennis System [Overview]
Playmate Tennis Ball Machines: Playmate Volley [$$$$]
I was wondering if you had ever used the Silent Partner ball machines. While they are not as well known as the Lobster & Spinshot machines, there are a few in the sub-$1000 category that compare well feature-wise. I’ve played with one for several years now, and have been quite happy with it.
I did not have the chance but I will add it to my wish-list now to add it to the comparison. They look similar to Lobster in terms of design.
Our tennis club has an older make and model tennis ball machine that needs to be repaired or replaced with a similar machine. We can’t find it on-line and the documentation has, unfortunately been lost. Can someone help us out?
Hi, can you please give us the name of your tennis ball machine?